Government Facilities
We have worked with a wide range of government associations to provide unique and specialized systems to accommodate both high and low security buildings throughout Australia, including the following;
- Northern Territory Correctional Center – Fire sprinkler systems & water supplies.
- Lotus Glen Correctional Center – Mareeba – Fire sprinkler systems, water supplies & hose reels.
- Gatton Correctional center – Queensland – Fire sprinkler systems, water supplies & hose reels.
- Tarong Power – Various systems reviews and upgrades across the site.
- Lavarack Barracks Townsville – Various systems across the site covering sprinklers, foam & detection.
- Townsville Correctional Centre – Fire sprinkler, hydrants & hose reels.
- HMAS Cairns – Fire sprinklers, hydrants & hose reels.
- Townsville RAAF – Various systems over the entire site.
- Williamstown Naval Dockyards – Fire sprinkler systems.
- Puckapunyal Armoured Vehicle Workshops – Fire sprinkler systems.
- Cairns Hospital expansion.
- Townsville hospital expansion.